This article is sponsored in part by Lindt <atarget="_blank"href="">(What'sthis?) Get more gift picks, date ideas and relationshipadvice in our Timeless Valentine's DayGuide.Relationships are a little like glaciers; undervarious pressures, they're always moving and changing, gathering all sorts of debris. But after some time, they move so slowly, it's easy to forget they're there, particularlywhen you live together. To use a more familiar metaphor, one day your relationship is awild ride, all loops and corkscrews, and then, out of nowhere, it's mellowed andstraightened out. Actually, it's worse than that. It's stagnating. Hey, it happens. No sweat. Relationships require management, like anything else inyour life that's as big and complex. One way is to inject a little romance. Now,depending on your definition, you may have to redefine romance a little. It shouldn'talways have a direct purpose; in other words, imagine romance as neither a means nor anend. Try to imagine it as something you do for her simply because you love her, and not necessarily to get sexlater. Sounds corny, but it's true nonetheless. With all that in mind, thehome you share with your lady presents a bunch of romantic opportunities to reignite thatstagnating relationship. The following suggestions, centered around the element of surprise, should get you started. In devising your own, plan what you do around yourgirl's unique tastes. Use your inside information. Continue Reading
