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    Thread: Ghb

    1. #1
      Maxhardc's Avatar
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      GHB will be kept out of the hands of the American public for a couple reasons. To my knowledge, its legal in every other country and planet in our solar system.

      The FED doesn't like ghb as a result of its calvinistically inspired agenda -- If it feels good, then it must be bad...

      The FDA is also very protective of its high paying pharmaceutical giants that shell out billions in the name of regulation. GHB cuts into far too many markets, and its not patentable. As a matter of fact, the FDA originally issued 15 different IND's for the drug.

      So, there is pressure within the industry to keep it out of the country.

      It's interesting but in fact, the FDA has been the biggest prosecutor of users of GHB. In many trials it was the health food owners that were being prosecuted for selling GHB. At first, the FDA denied that there were any IND's for GHB. It was at an appeal that they found that there were those IND's which the FDA said were totally irrelevant to the case!

      If you read through it, you will see that there were over 15 different conditions that were being investigated and over and over again, repeatedly in these IND's GHB was introduced as a totally natural, non-toxic substance. In fact, in some of these IND studies they had patients taking GHB from 3 to 8 grams per night for years on-end without adverse side-effects.

      They even had some studies where people were taking up to 30 grams daily for months on end without adverse side effects.

      I have heard of some patients taking in excess of 50 grams per day! Both of those patients were alcoholics who had been totally dysfunctional because they required tremendous amounts of alcohol, without which they literally became psychotic. However, with the GHB they now completely avoid the use of alcohol and function extremely well.

      I was very moved when I heard that Congress was accepting testimony regarding GHB and submitted my ten cents worth.

      The American media accepts unedited sound-bytes from the FDA and as a result, America has been convinced that GHB is a highly addictive and dangerous substance!

      Any CNS depressant may cause unconsciousness, (particularly when they are all mixed together). But one of the more effective demonizing campaigns has been to call it a 'date rape' drug. Of course this is patently unfair. But the FED has been using that tactic for decades - eg., the FED portrayed opium as a date rape drug whereupon white women were supposedly being defiled by Chinese who used it for such purposes. But history later revealed it was an attempt to control Chinese immigration on the west coast.

      After that we see the old "slipping a Mickey Finn" into a bar patron's drink to steal money and so on... Then we had Rohypnol in the 90's. Actually, Rohypnol, (flunitrazepam), is mearly another benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic in the same chemical/pharmacological class as valium, librium, xanax, etc. Roche felt the market was saturated and simply didn't want to shell out the regulatory compliance money to the FDA in America.

      I think the grandaddy of all knockout drugs however, is chloral hydrate, which was employed both by swindlers and rapists in the Old West and modern times. A chloral hydrate syrup called Noctec was used by Senator Bob Packwood to help him overpower and feel up female prey.

      But there are so many others: barbiturates, major and minor tranquilizers, anti-psychotic agents, plant extracts (such as belladonna alkaloids, which induce a 'twilight sleep') and, of course, benzodiazepines.

      These drugs however, are rarely used by themselves - they are either bad-tasting, or too weak without the addiction of the very powerful, very available CNS depressant: alcohol.

      ****ery Dahmer used the sleeping pill Halcion when he fed it to his victims along with lots of beer. Alcohol has actually been the date raper’s drug of choice for centuries.


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      I like the G ,good sleepin

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      prolangtum's Avatar
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      in the right hands, it can be used for good sleep and relaxation. But, a lot of high schoolers and other people will misuse it, abuse it, drink with it etc. Make it very dangerous. Believe me, id love if it was legal, but your kidding yourself if you think everyone who will use it will do so responsibly.
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    4. #4
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      highly addictive from what I've read and heard though, why fuck with it anyway....

    5. #5
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      It used to be sold OTC circa 1990. They used to advertise it in bb mags.

    6. #6
      buyb12's Avatar
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      bad shit ...

    7. #7
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      i used it legitmately in high school when i used to sell it at the health food store. good shit.

    8. #8
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      One of the most addictive drugs out there! Don't mess with it. First you'll start with a little at night then it will excel and get worst. The withdraws are nasty and overall a bad drug to be addicted to. Don't get me wrong it feels great while your on it but in the long run it sucks.

    9. #9
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      No "high" beats the thrill of gaining even 5 lbs on a lift, meeting that "someone special" or playing with their son. Why do people need chemical solutions to feel good or relax? Recreational supplements are'nt needed when there's so much out there to experience with a clear head!

      The reason I ask is because I'm an alcoholic with 10 yrs of sobriety and enjoy life. Sure, life has it's up's and down's but why use something that makes one sleep/rest? Hard work and dedication will do that alone.

    10. #10
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      sorry - my $0.02.. i've seen too many people fall out on GHB to think that it could possibly be a "safe" drug. when you see a 19 year old girl flopping around in the middle of the dancefloor at a club because someone gave her a cap of G, you'll understand.

      i was just at the HOP pier dance in NYC yesterday. saw numerous guys get dragged out of the pier onto an ambulance from OD'ing on G.

      i know this isn't a club forum or a discussion about the downfall of the club scene. but i can tell you that GHB is playing a huge role in the downfall of the whole scene. over-doses are rampant and addiction is high.

      i can't ever think that a drug that can actually eat through certain types of plastic could possibly do no harm to you.
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    11. #11
      pudgy's Avatar
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      too dangerous to mess with.

    12. #12
      bigpopapump's Avatar
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      WARNING!!! I have personally followed two friends on separate occasions in ambulances after taking this stuff. Both of them were in comas for two days. One of the girls had her kids taken away from her while they made her attend mandatory counseling.

      I’ve tried it before with no bad effects, but after seeing with my own eyes I’m done with it. The problem is that this is made a peoples houses, not like before where it was made in labs. So you might get a batch that is real concentrated and I guarantee that might be the last thing you do. I’m no angel and I’ve tried every drug around and this one is not worth the risk. Everyone is entitled to do what ever they like, but I’m only giving you my experiences with it. You make up your own decisions.

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