When most people think of building a big chest, they think of benching--or to be more specific they think of flat benches. And while this approach can and does work for some, for most it results in rotator cuff problems or massively developed lower pecs. Also, for some flat benchers all they get is big front delts and triceps. If you are thinking that this does not sound very good, you are right. Below, I am going to give you some tips that will help you develop your chest the right way. Here we go! FOCUS ON INCLINES The incline bench press is my favorite because it works those often neglected upper pecs, and is harder to cheat on than the flat bench--which makes it safer. Yes, you will have to use less weight than you do on the regular bench, but who cares. As long as your upper pecs are working hard--that should be all that matters. So if you want some seriously massive upper pecs--leave your ego at the gym door and learn to do inclines correctly--trust me you will be glad you did.how to build a bigger chest beginning bodybuilding
