For the young man or woman with a fast metabolism things can be frustrating. They eat and eat and yet they cannot seem to gain a pound. With this thought in mind, below I am going to give you three of my best mass gaining tips. Without further delay--here we go! HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY EAT I know this sounds funny, because people that are naturally skinny will almost always say that they eat and eat. But here is the thing. Most of them really do not. Sure they feel like they are eating all the time or that they are eating a lot--because they feel full all the time--because they have no appetite. But when you question them--it turns out that they really only eat maybe two meals a day. And for someone who is a teenager and is training hard--two meals a day is simply not going to cut it. ENTER LIQUID NUTRTION This tips flows in with the one above--and it works for people who THINK they are eating a lot--and for people who actually ARE eating a lot and yet still cannot gain weight.hard core bodybuilding bodybuilding
