I always end up switching my mind up every run i do. (the "run" is usally a year or so though! Anyway, here is my plan for the next 5 months or so... tell me what you think. Keep in mind, been on for 3 months now and dont plan on coming off until mid fall late winter.


Test Enan 1200 pw 1-10
Deca 600mg pw 1-10
4 weeks M1T 40MG pd 1-4
4weeks Methyl 5AA 40mg pd 7-11
(Don't knock me, i love these new methylated PH!)
Slin 10 iu's first 4 weeks

THen for summet time....

Test Enan 1g per week 10-22
Fina 150mg ED week 10-22
IGF 40mcg ed weeks 10-15
Possibly EQ 600mg pw 10-22

Critque away! I know i'll get flamed for the PH but honestly, this is coming from me who has done every oral in the book praticaly. Anadrol, D-bol, Var, Winny etc. While i love those compounds.... my body is just responding great to these PH and there a better bang for the buck atleast currently for me!

My only concern is that i've only done deca ONE TIME and i have been jucing for going on 3.5 years now.... Used 400mg a year or so back and loved it. SHould i possibly do just 450mg pw??