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    Thread: 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience

    1. #1
      Alpine's Avatar
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      Default 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience

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      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience

      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      I'm planning on starting my 2nd cycle pretty soon. I have some questions that I need some input on. I am asking quite a few questions all at once. It’s a bit long but I could really use some advice on a few things. In reply, please list your advice/opinion with its corresponding letter from the questions I asked. This will make it easier to follow.

      First I will start of w/ my curent stats and 1st cycle history.
      BF: unsure, not bad but I want my lower abs back.

      1st cycle results: 500mg/wk ICN Test Enth, Nolva on hand but no gyno problems. Standard PCT w/ clomid. Gained about 20lbs. Kept about 10-12lbs.

      Proposed 2nd cycle: (nice and simple)

      ICN Test Enth @ 750mg/wk for 12 weeks (possibly 14)

      My questions deal mainly with other things to add in cycle.

      Main Goal: 10lb lean quality gains, reduce bf. I want to keep my diet much cleaner this time. I don’t want to hold as much water and gain as much fat like before. I totally lost my abs (especially lower) and they are still MIA. All my fat is mainly in the key estrogenic spots – lower abs & handles. Little more on pecs but not bad. Arms/Legs always stay lean…

      A) I plan on running Arimidex throughout the cycle this time. I plan on .25mg a day (splitting 1/4 tab sections is a *****). Hopefully that should be enough to effectively ward off gyno and hold the bloat down. Do you think this is a wise amount? Some people say .5mg but I don’t want to use too much Arimidex. I was also throwing around the idea of running 10mg Nolva ED or 20mg EOD? I read that it can be very beneficial for lipid profiles when on Arimidex. But Anti-E’s have been known to slightly reduce gains – I don’t know if its worth it.

      B) I was also considering running Finasteride during the cycle and from then on out. I’m very likely genetically prone to losing my hair. My 500mg/wk 1st cycle didn’t seem to hurt my hair much but it’s slightly thinner on front then in previous years. The front half of my hair is slowly an gradually getting thinner but it’s not bad and my hairline has stayed pretty decent (im still fairly young, early twenties). It would be a good time to use the Finasteride to try and maintain what I have. I started using Azelaic Acid 5% + Minoxidil 5% along with some Nizoral in the past 5-6 months and it has seemed to help thicken it up slightly. I just think Finasteride in there could really help maintain. Now the problem is Finasteride all by itself can cause gyno. It is a semi rare side effect but a documented one none the less. It is also known that finasteride with steroids can lead to greater presence of estrogen side effects. I have read a few articles warning that finasteride use on a cycle can increase estrogen related side effects. Obviously reducing DHT conversion (also a natural anti-estrogen) means it has to convert to something – in this case estrogen. That is another reason I wanted to use Arimidex. The thing is I will probably not have time to run the Finasteride alone by itself to see how it affects me. By the time I get it I will be ready to start the cycle. That alone is not a major problem as long as Im taking Arimidex. The thing I’m worried about Is when the cycle is over and I’m doing PCT and eventually trying to recover. If the Finasteride does indeed happen to affect my estrogen levels negatively this could be a very catastrophic time for it to happen. Further imbalance and increased estrogen by Finasteride could prolong recovery and also permanently increase estrogen levels or cause gyno problems. This would be an extremely bad scenario especially in a time when I would be so vulnerable already and not taking any Anti-E’s. Is there any way to gauge how I will respond to finasteride by comparing how I responded to 500mg/wk of Test? I don’t think I’m prone to gyno via sensitivity to estrogen because I had no problems and didn’t need to use Nolvadex . I know this is a complicated question with no clear cut answer since you cant know how it will affect any one person. I’m just looking for some solid info or advice on this issue. Also how long do I need to be on finasteride before I go on cycle to get effective protection from DHT increase? It would likely be 1 or 2 weeks before cycle at the most.

      C) Post Cycle Therapy – I’m starting to question why clomid would be better than Nolvadex. I have been reading numerous articles and posts from people, who by all appearances, seem very educated. It goes against the grain and is a change in common thinking but from the explanations and research I have seen it really seems to make sense. A few better known examples of this (which Im sure you have seen before):

      Clomid, Nolvadex and Testosterone Stimulation
      by William Llewellyn

      Peter “Big Cat” Van Mol

      For my first cycle I ran the standard clomid. I seemed to recover fine but after PCT was over I got pretty bad upper back/shoulder acne (face stayed clear). I know this is normal with hormone imbalance but many also say clomid tends to give them acne. I have yet to see anyone else debunk the Nolvadex for PCT theory or explain why clomid is still better. If you are aware of any articles or research on it please share. From the arguments I have read it makes sense that Nolvadex does the same job, only better.

      D) I feel like I should Jumpstart the cycle with some orals or something. I didnt like waiting 5 weeks for it to really kick in last time. The thing is I know people who can take 750-1000mg of Test but when they throw in Dbol they get Gyno. I was considering the Dbol to get things rolling faster but dont know if it’s worth the risk. If I did run it I would go 25-30mg Max. Or I guess I could use Winny or something else.

      E) I was toying around the idea of maybe throwing in some Winny tabs at the end (and also beginning), maybe weeks 8-12 or something. I really like the characteristics and effects of Winny but its said to be pretty hard on the hair. I’ve also been really curious to try the new Methyldienolone (aka Methyl-D) pro-hormone. Maybe for like 4 weeks or so. Thing is it seems this could be pretty hard on hair too. Its compared to winny and primo a lot. How would you rank 750mg/wk Test, Methyldienolone, and Winny in terms of DHT and hairline shattering potential? Maybe Im thinking winny is worse than it is. I really would like to try that Methyldienolone too. Looking for some advice….

    2. #2
      cbr929's Avatar
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      IMO you should keep the test @ 500mg/wk if it aint broke don't fix it.
      A) I wouldn't go with a-dex to hard on the cholesterol go with letrozole
      B) If your worried run the finasteride won't hurt it's very very very unlikely to get gyno from it
      C) I'm starting to question this myself although clomid has always dome me good
      D) you could jump start it with dbol 35mg/day for 4 weeks
      E) IMO go with dbol first 4 weeks and then the Methyl-d as for your hair the finasteride will be enough

    3. #3
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      Got a few other replies (other boards) saying I should do 500mg/wk. I probably will, its been just over a year now since last cycle - should be fine.

      Anymore advice/opinions on other aspects on my post? Keep um coming please....

    4. #4
      mick10-07's Avatar
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      I've dont the test only cycles with good results, yeh, you get quality muscle but you dont get the size that you might expect. I would throw the d-bols in at 30-40mg/d for 5-6 weeks then the winny in the last 6 weeks. That would give you the kick at the start and the leaning out in the end. I wouldn't worry about gyno, but just have novaldex on hand.

      I've done this sort of cycle twice now with really good gains.
      I'm a Muscle Farmer....This years Crop is gunna be awesome.

      Gyno is sexy!

    5. #5
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      id run it at 500mg as well and use some dbol at 25-30mg/day for the first 4-6 weeks and if you are worried about gyno get some liquidex it is cheap and run it at .25mg day and it will help with water retenion as well.....maybe add the winstrol like suggested or run some eq with it throughout the cycle......i will be using nolvadex post cycle instead of clomid along with some hcg the last week of the cycle,....will be running the nolvadex at 50mg/day for 2 weeks then 25mgs/day for another 3 weeks after a 20 week cycle using arimidex throughout......

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      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      • 2nd cycle advice - Need the boards experience
      but if you didnt want to get that into it you could run just the test like you mentioned and make good gains....

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