The holidays are quickly approaching, and most have gift giving on the mind. For us health conscious girls, we take our fitness endeavors very seriously. You can be sure that anything that helps us in our pursuit of a tighter booty, chiseled abs and capped shoulders is sure to be on our Christmas list. (Hint, hint guys!) So, if you’re wondering what to buy the fitness fanatic on your list, I’ve come up with a suitable top 10 list. Share this with your man to land the perfect gift under your tree.

10. Supplements
No fitness girl can ever have enough supplements. Personally, I like the MHP line of products. My MHP go-to’s are: Activite, Dopamite, PowerPak Pudding, or Probolic (their banana flavor is the bomb!).

9. Gym Bag
Nike, Asics, Lulu, Under Armour, and even Victoria's Secret … you can never have enough cute gym bags, and these brands are sure to have one that special someone on your list will love.

8. Sessions with a Personal Trainer
If someone on your list has been considering hiring a trainer but doesn’t have the extra cash to splurge, a few personal training sessions is the perfect gift to help get their physique (and motivation) moving in the right direction. It will free up more of your time to hit the weights and focus on your own training while helping her achieve that rockin’ booty she’s after by February. It’s a win-win!

7. Workout Gear
You can’t go wrong with pretty, new workout gear. Forget taking her to the mall to let her choose, a girl likes to be surprised. So, head to your local Lulu, there you’re sure to find something she’ll love. Just be sure to sneak a peek at the tags of her current workout gear before you go so you’re not left guessing at her size.

6. Spa Treatments
Spa treatments are another win-win. Head out to your lady's favorite spa or salon, and grab her a gift certificate. Come the holidays, spas and salons always offer great deals. So you’ll save while she gets pampered. Everyone is happy in the end!

5. Gym Shoes
No woman can ever have enough shoes. And while ever girl loves a new pair of sexy 8-inch stilettos, fitness-minded ladies will appreciate a new pair of sneakers or Vibrams just as much. I wear Vibrams when I train back or legs, and I absolutely love them! Again, you’ll want to check her closet to make sure you are set on her shoe size before you head out the door.

4. Heart Rate Monitor
Every serious gym-goer needs a heart rate monitor. So if you want to ensure your special someone is working efficiently, believe me, you’ll want to add this little gadget to your list.

3. Flowers
Yes, flowers! Every girl loves receiving flowers, and loves the attention the get when the delivery guy brings a totally over the top arrangement to their work. There’s nothing better!

2. iPod
An iPod is a necessity if you want a great workout. If you want to go the extra mile, download a playlist that reminds her of you or her fave workout tunes before you give it to her. Everyone loves a thoughtful gift, so this is one that is sure to be a hit come Christmas day.

1. Subscription to M&F Hers
The best possible gift you could get your lady, and one that she will thank you for every month... a subscription to Muscle & Fitness Hers. Trust me, she’s picking it up from the store every month, and nothing would make her happier than to open up the mailbox and see a shiny, new copy addressed to her.
Remember, it really doesn't matter how much you spend, your lady just wants you to show you care and appreciate her efforts in the gym. Treat her like a princess every day, and it’ll be a win-win. A happy fit wife equals happy, fit life!