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Paul Says He Would Have Trouble Backing GOP Rivals

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  • Paul Says He Would Have Trouble Backing GOP Rivals

    Ron Paul says he might not support his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination. 

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    Re: Paul Says He Would Have Trouble Backing GOP Rivals

    Of course he won't, he has said already that unless the other candidates drastically change their views then there is no way he could support them. Think about this though for a minute. Why would a man of principle support someone who does not believe in liberty and the Constitution as he does? That would be compromising on his principles, which he is not the type of person to do. I don't know why some people don't understand this, most notably Fox. Can't they understand that he is a strict Constitutionalist with strong morals and principles? Don't they realize that folding on what you believe in makes you as pathetic as those who flip flop on every other issue and have no principles whatsoever? I just don't know what it will take for some people to realize how good of a man Ron Paul is and how he is the only person in office who truly supports everyone's liberties and the Constitution. People who don't like him should try to open their mind up a little and read one of his books. I mentioned on here before that I have several friends who are lifelong Republicans in the strictest since that have now embraced Paul completely after reading some of his books and/or listening to his speeches. It also helps to read up on Austrian Economics, which is how my econ professor friends and my brother have come to support him. But if these friends of mine can support him then I know anyone who truly believes in liberty and the Constitution can wake up and realize it too, if they put in the effort to learn more about him instead of listening to these idiots on TV who are in cahoots with big government. People need to realize that the Constitution is not a complicated document to understand, nor is liberty. If people have principles then they need to learn to stop trusting every word that comes out of the big government supporting politicians and start asking why the one man who supports limited government to a tee is so ridiculed and hated by both parties. They also should try to learn why so many people support Paul. One thing I have noticed too is that Paul's supporters for the most part are very well read on all things politics, history, economics, and philosophy. That shows that they truly understand the issues and why they support him. For me personally I am concerned with finding the truth and preserving liberty and a free market economy. Well, I used to be the typical Republican that believed everything Hannity, Beck, and the others would say. However, I have always been interested in learning all I can about things that interest me, which means I read and research a lot. All the reading and research has led me to one man that is worthy of my support, and that man is Ron Pau. I will write his name in on the ballot if he doesn't get the nomination, because the last thing I would ever do is compromise my principles. To each their own but that's how I see it. When I hear someone like Glenn Beck say they can't stand Romney or Gingrich but will support either one 100% if they get the nomination then I lose all respect I ever had for them. Compromising your principles proves to me that you had none to begin with. If you don't believe in something or someone then why in the world would you support them. At least that's how I see it.
    Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

    I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

