Notice this year how you are seeing Christmas stuff out earlier than ever?
It's the Turkeys conspiring to make us skip over Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas bc they don't want to be eaten

In honor of Thanksgiving and in an effort to encourage everyone to fill up on carbs instead of turkey, SNS is giving away a free bottle of GlycoPhase to a random number of winners.

For anyone that doesn't know, GlycoPhase is a cutting edge GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent) designed to help support blood sugar management and help promote fat loss, lean muscle gains, and long lasting muscle fullness and pumps. For complete information:
GlycoPhase | Serious Nutrition Solutions

On a serious note, Thanksgiving is a day we celebrate all that we are thankful for and most people’s Thanksgivings are loaded with carbs. GlycoPhase is designed to help make your carbs work for you, not against you.

To be eligible to win, all you have to do is post what you are most thankful for and share this post.

(We cannot confirm or deny that the Turkeys have conspired and may be forcing us to offer this giveaway).

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