
Huperzine A 99% - 120 caps | Serious Nutrition Solutions

Q1: what is Huperzine A and how does it work?

Huperzine A is a natural alkaloid extracted from Huperia Serrata and is used as a first line drug in china for the treatment of Alzheimers Disease but is more commonly used in the supplement industry for its effects on cognition and memory. The way in which it exudes its effects on memory is by way of acetylcholinesterase inhibtion; in other words, it prevents the enzyme that degrades acetylcholine from doing its job, thus allowing for an increase in acetylcholine in the brain. For those interested, acetylcholine has been documented to increase responsiveness to sesnory stimuli - also known as being attentive. It is also referred to as the 'learning neurotransmitter' born from the idea that a decline in cognitive function during dementia is related to a decrease in cholinergic neurotransmission. When we increase cholingeric activity in the brain, then we also increase neuroplasticity which is a fancy way of saying the brain is better able to adapt, learn and store new information. Huperzine A also crosses the blood brain barrier easily.

Huperzine A also has a high affinity for the G4 isoform on acetylcholine and, because of which, it has less side effects than other cholingerics which lowers the availibility of systemic butrylcholine which causes many known side effects.

Q2: How long should one use Huperzine A for before a break?

At higher doses (100-200mcg), huperzine A should be taken for no longer than 6 weeks.

Q3: What does Huperzine a stack well with?

Virtually any nootropic currently available will work well alongside Huperzine A. However, IMO, it works best with ALCAR and Choline as both ALCAR and Choline work to increase acetylcholine levels in the brain, whilst huperzine A works to inhibit the enzyme which degrades acetylcholine, thus allowing for a large increase of ACh, and thus maximizing your ability to create, store and recall memories.

Q4: Any known side effects?

Huperzine A supplementation does not carry with it a whole lot of side effects and in fact, not many people report side effects when using within the recommended guidelines and for the recommended duration.

Q5: When is the best time to take Huperzine A?

Huperzine can be taken either fasted or fed, and oral supplementation leads to Huperzine A appearing in the blood within 15 - 20 minutes, with peak plasma concentration occurring at around 70 minutes post ingestion. Although it has a half life of ~24 hours, I recommend consuming cholingerics within 15-30 minutes of a mentally stimulating activity, due to its effects on attention. Huperzine A can also be used pre-workout and it may enhance muscle contraction and lead to improvements in muscle power.
It is best taken in 100mcg doses, split twice daily.