-Yk isn’t technically a sarm even though it’s thrown in that category but it’s a myostatin inhibitor and it’s closer to Dht than it’s to other sarms. It works via binding to the androgen receptors stimulating Folistatin production thus inhibiting myostatin which leads to more muscle growth. Myostatin limits how much muscle the body can grow so inhibiting it effectively is the new cutting-edge direction technology is aiming it. So far yk-11 is the most effective way of addressing muscle growth via this pathway. Typically reports with yk-11 usage are muscle hardening, breaking through plateaus, improved pumps, aggression and strength. Due to it impacting muscle growth via other pathway than other sarms or steroids it can be added into any cycle for both cutting and bulking.
Half-life: unknown (all leads point to it having a short half life so splitting dose is recommended)
Dosage: The typical dose varies from 5-15mg daily split .
Side effects: Yk-11 is methylated so it can have an impact on liver enzymes so using something like udca/tudca/nac is recommended. Other than that possible joint pain can be experienced from myostatin inhibiton. Also reports of suppression with yk-11 are common so pct is always recommended.

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