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    Thread: About SARM RAD140

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      sarmsinfo's Avatar
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      • About SARM RAD140
      • About SARM RAD140

      What is the SARM RAD 140?

      RAD140 is a highly efficient and oral SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) MRSA currently being studied for neuroprotective and anabolic and effects. They are in a class of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that are selective tissue, developed to treat wasting muscle related to cancer, acute and chronic disease and age-related muscle loss.

      Recent research of RAD140 shows superior lean tissue selectivity, and reduced androgenic side effects when compared to competitive compounds of MRSA. This compound is also well studied for neuroprotection; A significant neural action of endogenous androgens that is appropriate to neural health and resilience to neurodegenerative diseases, and to be as effective as testosterone in reducing cell death induced by apoptotic insults.

      Testone (RAD140) is the newest compound in the family of selective androgen receptor modulators, or as they are better known – SARMS. Therefore, its main advantage over anabolic steroids is that it offers similar positive results, With barely any side effects at all. Indeed, it is quite a unique compound, even when compared to the other SARMS.

      Few people know this: testosterone and DHT have a natural ability to preserve neurons and to exert benefits on overall neural health.

      Furthermore, it is not surprising that most neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, occur in those with androgen deficiencies. However, using considerable dosages of testosterone can constitute other health threats over the long-lasting, as it will cause some other side effects.

      Uses in Bodybuilding

      Logically, Testone can make for incredible benefits to an athlete without the cost of significant side effects seen with anabolic androgenic steroids. In particular, trestolone will rigorously improve strength and recovery, which will lead further to a considerable increase in mass and muscle strength.

      As a result, RAD140 will be a great addition to any cycle, where it will give all these qualities without any additional side effects. Also, this can be successfully used alone over a long period, since it causes no suppression.

      One of the most attractive aspects of RAD140 and all SARMS is generally the absence of side effects, making them enhancement drugs (PED) of the safest representation these days.

      SOURCE: Everything You Need To Know About SARM RAD140 - School of SARMS

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      I have used it. Not a pronounced effect but definitely an effect. Totally worth a try, especially on TRT or the like.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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