Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
All good points and questions my brothers. I should have given a bit more info. To answer Dethklok's questions:

Have you ever used clen before. - Yes tries oral clen twice over the years and at one tab (I believe they were 40 mcgs/tab) was instantly shaking/gittery both times and only lasted a couple days before I couldn't handle it and had to get off.
Have you ever used t3 before. - Yes - one to two 6 week cycles (25 mcg start - building up to 100 mcg then cycling back down to 25 mcg to cycle off at 6 weeks per cycle) per year over past 8-10 years, most of the time successfully cutting weight using only Tiromel brand
and that being my only fat burning agent but always in conjunction with anabolics, usually test as a base and either a hardening agent like winny-v, EQ, and tren-a. This The reason I added HELIOS as an additional fat burner is because the above stack of t3 (6 week cycles)/juice cycle dad not work in terms of helping me burn the fat it always has in past and I don't know why so I thought I'd introduce an additional variable (HELIOS) to try to jump-start my metabolism. Other than coming off shoulder surgery from a year ago, in last 6 months since I've been able to get back to gym my diet and training hasn't changed, except I have 20 extra lbs. that I haven't been able to lose since my injury in last 6 months of being back in gym.

Is that your first cycle? - Answered above.
Ha e you ever used tren before? - Answered above.

Oh and guns01 - thanks for the thought bro about muscle weighting more than fat and the scale maybe not telling the whole story. I did a few local shows in my mid-twenties (I'm 49 now), do have calipers and until I injured myself a year and a half ago had a 36" waist and was pretty lean and still had visible abs (5'11'/208 lbs/9% BF). Fast forward a year and a half, have been back in gym for 6 months and my waist is 42" and I'm about 235 lbs. All my extra weight is in my stomach. I'm now officially in the worst shape of my life, with a belly I've never had and despite trying everything I can think of short of HGH, which I can't afford right now, can't seem to make any headway to lose! My life reads like a fucking country song these days, only thing missing is my dog hasn't run away yet!!!
i didn't ask you anything kid. I keep it to the question bro.