Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
All good points and questions my brothers. I should have given a bit more info. To answer Dethklok's questions:

Have you ever used clen before. - Yes tries oral clen twice over the years and at one tab (I believe they were 40 mcgs/tab) was instantly shaking/gittery both times and only lasted a couple days before I couldn't handle it and had to get off.
Have you ever used t3 before. - Yes - one to two 6 week cycles (25 mcg start - building up to 100 mcg then cycling back down to 25 mcg to cycle off at 6 weeks per cycle) per year over past 8-10 years, most of the time successfully cutting weight using only Tiromel brand
and that being my only fat burning agent but always in conjunction with anabolics, usually test as a base and either a hardening agent like winny-v, EQ, and tren-a. This The reason I added HELIOS as an additional fat burner is because the above stack of t3 (6 week cycles)/juice cycle dad not work in terms of helping me burn the fat it always has in past and I don't know why so I thought I'd introduce an additional variable (HELIOS) to try to jump-start my metabolism. Other than coming off shoulder surgery from a year ago, in last 6 months since I've been able to get back to gym my diet and training hasn't changed, except I have 20 extra lbs. that I haven't been able to lose since my injury in last 6 months of being back in gym.

Is that your first cycle? - Answered above.
Ha e you ever used tren before? - Answered above.

Oh and guns01 - thanks for the thought bro about muscle weighting more than fat and the scale maybe not telling the whole story. I did a few local shows in my mid-twenties (I'm 49 now), do have calipers and until I injured myself a year and a half ago had a 36" waist and was pretty lean and still had visible abs (5'11'/208 lbs/9% BF). Fast forward a year and a half, have been back in gym for 6 months and my waist is 42" and I'm about 235 lbs. All my extra weight is in my stomach. I'm now officially in the worst shape of my life, with a belly I've never had and despite trying everything I can think of short of HGH, which I can't afford right now, can't seem to make any headway to lose! My life reads like a fucking country song these days, only thing missing is my dog hasn't run away yet!!!
Thanks for all the info.
I'd drop the dose back down. Stay there for a bit longer as long as you feel comfortable. There is no set timeframe as to how long you need to stay at any one dose. What kinda cardio you doing? Also, are you in a caloric deficit.
Its good your running t3 with tren. Are you running tren e3d for a reason. Normally eod or ed is normal. Also, are you taking an ai. Thanks.. Sorry for all the questions. Trying to see where you are and maybe give you some ideas to help with kick starting your weightloss.
How about carb cycling?

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