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    Thread: Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

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      Default Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

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      Cardarine Basics:
      When it comes to performance enhancers, there are those that get the job done, and there are those that get the job done at cost. While sometimes, the balance between the both of them gets blurred, there is no doubt that a lot of individuals are consistently looking for something that will take their performance to the next level regardless of the cost. When it comes to supplements in that category, none seem to epitomize that more than Cardarine. Known also by its numerical call sign, GW-501516, Cardarine was initially started as research by two pharmaceutical giants, GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is considered a PPAR receptor agonist.

      Primarily, it was intended to help with cardiovascular issues, and throughout testing, they realized without knowing it that it was actually an amazing endurance supplement. People using it would notice incredible gains in terms of their exercise capacity, especially in cardiovascular exercise. However, it was also shown in testing to drastically cause tumours in mice at an alarming rate.

      Because of this terrifying discovery, most of the testing for the compound was immediately shut down, but it should be noted, that the only discovery in the body of it causing cancer happened because the mice were given over 500-1000 times the dose of Cardarine. So while the debate rages on about whether it’s safe or not to use, most people have abstained from using it. That said, it is still a popular supplement given its powerful ability to enhance endurance. It should also be noted that whether or not cancer is a risk even with a standard dose, that remains to be seen.

      Functions and Actions of Cardarine:
      With Cardarine specifically in terms of its chemical interaction, it is a PPAR agonist. It works with the group of receptors in the PPAR receptor site and interacts with the PGC-1a enzyme, It interacts with those entities to manipulate the gene expression as a result of interaction with thyroid and steroid hormones that handle gene expression as it relates to energy expenditure. So in layman’s terms, it allows the body to devote absurd levels of energy expenditure, above the normal levels/limits.

      Studies have shown it can raise the metabolism of fatty acids in rats. It could even lower the odds of obesity even with terrible eating habits and could assist with preventing Type 2 diabetes. It also raised the good cholesterol and lowered the bad cholesterol of monkeys in one study, and those effects seemed to occur with or without exercise, so obviously a compound with tremendous potential.

      Effects of Cardarine:
      Most prominently, you’re going to notice incredible cardio benefits when using the compound. The effects will enhance both the novice or advanced athlete, so virtually anyone taking the compound will see a tremendous increase in their endurance and ability to train harder and longer. The effects of this compound are so potent that even those who take Trenbolone, a drug notorious for wrecking your cardiovascular capacity, have shown tremendous benefit when using Cardarine, It seems that Cardarine is able to completely negate those bad effects.

      Aside from the tremendous performance benefits that are gleaned from Caradarine, it has a lot of lifestyle benefits, too. It’s especially great that being able to shred body fat without much work at all. Expanding on the data gathered in the aforementioned primate study, people can take and experience incredible benefits while on Cardarine as well. The great thing is that it doesn’t weaken or cause catabolism like other weight-loss supplements tends to do. Essentially, it’s just really good at redirecting how certain metabolic pathways are used in the body, meaning that you can expect to use more calories for pure energy uptake rather than anything else. It also shows tremendous levels of enhanced nutrient efficiency, so when you take in the macro and micronutrients from the food you’re eating, your body will put them to better use than when you’re using them.

      Side Effects of Cardarine:
      For the most part, the side effects that come with Cardarine aren’t really all that notable, unless of course, you take 100s of times the recommended dosage which would account for the supposed cancer risk. In the studies done with small rodents, it was shown that Cardarine caused an increased likelihood of cancer. However, it should be noted that in these studies, the dosages prescribed were insanely above what would normally be recommended when taking the drug. Also, there were some other conflicting studies that showed that use of Cardarine actually decreased the likelihood of cancerous tumor formation. So all in all, it’s a bit confusing as to what is the 100-percent answer on the cancer risk question. But it should be noted that is a possible side effect at least at 100s of times the suggested dosage. Aside from that, there aren’t any other negative side effects. There is no conversion to testosterone or estrogen. And it is not hepatoxic whatsoever, so your organs should be in good shape. It also won’t affect your production of testosterone at all and is not inhibitive to the HPTA.

      Cardarine Administration and Uses:
      When taking Cardarine, you’ll want to take it orally. Most research chemical companies sell Cardarine in sublingual doses, so you’ll simply hold it under your tongue when dosing it or swallow. The most effective doses would be 10-15 mg for around 8 weeks. There are some additional reports that say you should take Cardarine for 12 weeks, and rather than 10-15mg, up to 20mg per dose. As always, start low and work your way up making safety paramount.

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      Default Re: Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

      25mg per day here

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

      Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ric View Post
      25mg per day here
      how you like it ric and what do you see with it
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      how you like it ric and what do you see with it
      I have been taking it on and off for over a year. Usually I do 12 weeks on and about 6 weeks off, give or take. I don't do a lot of intense cardio but that is where most people see the benefit. I take it for intense training like drop sets or supersets. I notice a nice difference in between sets. It takes me less time to catch my breath so I can pop to my next set sooner. The biggest difference was last summer I was running tren a and I end up sucking wind during my work sets. That was when I noticed the biggest benefit. I also hear it has a benefit on cholesterol (not that I am too bad). I haven't had blood run yet but I do next week and we will see what that brings.

      Have you ever tried it guns?

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      Default Re: Cardarine GW-501516 – The Negative and Positive Effects For Bodybuilding and Fitness

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      Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ric View Post
      I have been taking it on and off for over a year. Usually I do 12 weeks on and about 6 weeks off, give or take. I don't do a lot of intense cardio but that is where most people see the benefit. I take it for intense training like drop sets or supersets. I notice a nice difference in between sets. It takes me less time to catch my breath so I can pop to my next set sooner. The biggest difference was last summer I was running tren a and I end up sucking wind during my work sets. That was when I noticed the biggest benefit. I also hear it has a benefit on cholesterol (not that I am too bad). I haven't had blood run yet but I do next week and we will see what that brings.

      Have you ever tried it guns?
      now you have my interest peaked. my cholesterol fluctuates a bit depending on where i am in training. so i may have to partake in the action and see what happens. that alongside of my nialor may keep it in check even when playing heavy
      TGBSupplements REP


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