Top 5 Max Effort Lifts for Strongman: Upper Body
By CJ Murphy, MFS

This is the second installment in the Top 5 series and discusses upper body max effort exercises. As with the lower body lifts, you need to decide whether you do high, low, or timed reps.

Here they are in no particular order:

Axle, fat bar, or log clean and press

Lifting a weight from the ground and up over your head is a staple in Strongman contests. It is also a true strength builder. It doesn’t really matter if you use a log or a bar. Just clean it and throw it overhead.

Banded log press

The banded log press is one of our favorite dynamic exercises for Strongman. It builds and teaches speed in the overhead press and helps teach you to “get under the weight.” Getting under the weight is what allows you to press much more than you could do normally. Olympic lifters call it a “double knee bend.” You can call it a tuna sandwich—just learn to do it.

Power clean/power snatch

This might sound like a repeat of the axle, fat bar, or log clean and press, but it is not. Power clean/power snatches are a little different in that they are a more “fluid” athletic movement. This is because you will use a bar that has revolving sleeves (an Olympic bar). Cleaning a non-revolving bar, such as an axle or log, is more of a brute strength type of movement. Using an Olympic bar allows you to do it in a much more dynamic way. Do yourself a favor and get a good Olympic lifting bar for these. Get strong on gym lifts, as they will help your Strongman events.

Incline bench press (no picture available)

The incline press is a great choice for athletes because it is much less technical than a powerlifting style flat bench. We feel that it builds strength and has a better carryover to Strongman events.

Bosu ball one-arm lateral raise

Just kidding on this one. I only wanted to see if you were paying attention. What I really meant was….

Dumbbell overhead presses

You can do these standing or seated. We prefer to do them standing because Strongman events are not done seated. But mix it up. Do some standing and some seated. Just go heavy. Try mixing in alternating presses too.

There you have it—our top five max effort lifts for upper body movements. I’m sure that you have your own favorites so just find what works for you and get strong. I’d like to hear what some of you readers use and have success with so click the “Article Discussion” button or shoot me an email.

Don’t curl in the power rack or I’ll kill you,