Bill Carptenter Honest Opinions and More................

1) If YOU were in charge of the WPO/APF, what would you change if any thing?

Separate the Bench Only guys in to the WBO fed. It would be the brother to the WPO, but just a bench federation. KK is more for Power lifting and this way the Bench only guys would be happier.

2) A lot of guys spend way to much time bashing other people on forums like this one. You on the other hand try to be objective; why do you think there’s so much *****ing?

Egos and Jealousy! There is a lot of that in this sport. I like to call it the way I see it. If your lift is shit, I am going to tell you. I am just as hard on my self, why should I be anything different? There are rules and if your lift didn’t pass those rules then it shouldn’t count! You can tell by video whose lifts are shit and whose are good.

3) You've been on the platform with some of the best benchers in the world; who stands out from the rest?

Bill Crawford. The guy is the master of the bench and the shirt. Plus he is just a great all around guy. Ryan Kennelly is one of the most consistent lifters and wins the big meets. George Halbert: Freak!

4) You hear more and more people *****in' about "BENCH ONLY" guys making the sport look bad by bombing out in meets. What’s your take on it?

I don’t agree. Let them *****. I lift for my self. I have been bombing a lot my self lately, but due to injuries. Yeah, I could open up lighter, but for what... a trophy! No thanks... I am going after PR’s and Records! I am going to take chances that a normal lifter wouldn’t. If you want to watch a show, go to the movies! LOL!

5) Where do you do your training at and what type method do you follow?

I train at my house and the YMCA. I follow a lot of different methods. I talk to a lot of lifters and coaches and experiment. I take what I think works for me and my team use that method.

6) Who or what got you involved in the sport ?

When I was a kid I lifted at the YMCA and use to watch all the powerlifters. I was also a big follower of BB, but became more involved in Powerlifting over the years.

7) Do you ever see powerlifting being televised or at least on ESPN? Damn, if poker registers as a sport, what more does it take...........

At first I liked the idea, but not a real big deal to me. I just enjoy lifting and hanging out with other lifters. We don’t make any money doing this sport. So you really have to just love the sport to do it.

8) Our standard question is "Who's the best lifter today / all time" ; along with the
names, which time period is more impressive?

Chuck Vogel for today’s lifter and Ed Coan for the lifter of the past.
You are going to have awesome lifters from today and the past. With the advancement of equipment you really can’t compare.

9) When it comes to pro athletes, does it really matter if they are juiced up or not?
Isn't there a difference between college/minor leagues and professionals?

I don’t think so. The thing I like about the open division is that you know what you are going against. In the drug tested meets you don’t! So many people lie there ass off about being drug free. Some pass the test so many times they start to believe themselves! LOL! I don’t care if you are or not. Too many drugs are out there that can’t be detectable by drug testing, so in my opinion... Everything is made from the earth, so all of us are Natural!”

10) Whose the worst deviant of the two; McVicar or Harrington?

I don’t know. All I know is Jeff has real issues with Sheep. BAAA>>BAAAA>>

Bill thanks for helping us out and answering the questions. If you have anybody who you'd like to hollar at or mention feel free. One of our guys ,"Mr. Breaker", has a bad man crush on you. Could you please send him a picture to Korea to hang in his locker or even a dirty T shirt would make his day. All joking aside, we appreciate you working to make the sport better for everyone.

Thanks, Barry Williams