I appreciate this has been bumped. I don't know if I'll get any quick responses, but that's ok. I am one year free <<knock on wood>> of cancer. They removed the whole thing last year. I am on a daily dose of 175mg of oral levothyroxine (started at 125mg). Here's my issue... I was on a great role, weight lifting with cardio 3-4 times weekly, while eating clean. With the progression of the thyroid cancer, it leveled my weight loss and muscle gains, with an increase of weight gain. Prior to thyroid cancer, I weighed 169, I am currently 184 (Female, 5'10"). I have been getting back into weight training since January. Albeit, there are days I am exhausted and very unmotivated which doesn't help, as it makes me want to sleep when i get home from work. I will be getting my levels checked again next month. I understand until my levels are leveled out, that my energy level will teeter. I guess what I am asking for is, with the above mentioned supplements, I assume are for individuals who still have their thyroid. Will the supplements affect my meds or have the same outcome? Will they help improve my energy? weight loss? In perspective, I am starting over, but I am aggravated, and a bit remorseful when I read thyroid forums of individuals who are on a downward slope with their health and weight issues. I have worked too hard to be as healthy as I have been (back story: I weighed 260lbs in 2010/2011 - I started running, eating clean, going to the gym 2 times daily until cancer hit). So in essence, I would like a little direction in this area, since realistically, this is something I can't ask my doctor. Thank you.