Ive ran several cycles over the years with no issues.

About 4-5 months ago, I ran a mini cycle of NPP Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate (Durabolin) , 50mg e3d for 6-7 weeks on its own.. 3-4 weeks after the last shot, I got some major shrinkage, so did 20 days of Clomid and 500iu of HCG over 2 weeks totaling 4000iu, nicely spaced out andl and made a LARGE recovery.

NOW!!!....8-12 weeks after the HCG (That'll be now)....I have a sore, button shaped lump under my right nipple.Though it doesnt through yet...Also, I thought Id squeeze it, and to my dismay, found it leaked a very small amount of yellowish liquid . Ive been on Nolvadex for 2weeks now and havent noticed any improvement.

Now Ive been told it could be a cyst, male breast cancer, gyno, progesterone induced Gyno.....WFT?...Im having a cow here! Can someone with good knowledge , please advise me?...Will Armidex help or anything else please?

It just seems very odd that this happens from almost nothing!..Please help.