this is not a quesiton about pct or how to keep your gains. i know all about it and how to do it correctly. i hope i don't confuse anyone but i don't know how to say it exactly. i am wondering whether when you come off, is your old muscle mass safe, or is it in danger of being lost.

in other words, lets say the you already have a certain amount of muscle mass when entering a cycle. this is your old muscle mass. to make it simple we'll call it "muscle mass A".

then during your cycle you put on 10 lbs of new muscle mass. we'll call this "muscle mass B".

when you come off, which is in danger of being lost? only muscle mass b(the newly acquired muscle) or is muscle A also in danger?

i hope i didn't confuse everyone, but i'm sorry if i did. i know what i want to ask in my head but it seems hard to put it into words.

for example, lets say i run a cutter....all i do is cut fat-i don't gain any new muscle, i just maintain the muscle i entered the cycle with.-my question would be that since i am just keeping the muscle i had before the cycle and not adding any new muscle, would i still have to worry as much about losing muscle post cycle?

anyone who takes the time to attempt to figure out what i am trying to ask, thanx for your time.