Quote Originally Posted by TXSS13 View Post
Thank you for responding. Will the Tren throw off the estrogen test levels? It seems like I’ve heard that happens.
ok so here is the funny/weird part with tren. tren doesnt convert to estro but it does raise prolactin and prolactin can create a negative feedback loop that raises estrogen. now even if you completely crush your estro you will still see estro related side effects from the increase in prolactin. now from what i have read and seen in personal experiences with clients is that you get far less issues when you run lower or no test when running tren. it will not completely eliminate prolactin side effects but it does lessen then quite a bit and make them far more tolerable with less need for caber etc.... i think that a lot of people see the best success with estro control that comes from the negative feedback loop from prolactin because they normally include mast and or proviron along with it. that surpresses estro mildly but doesnt crush it. again the best bet would be to get bloods with prolactin and full estro panels to see where the issues are actually coming from and then control it that way.

i dont have bad issues from either one but i have the best results with no test when running tren and dosing on a daily basis to prevent peaks and valleys in blood levels.