So I was looking online the other nite and found a few videos and articles about HCG. Decided to read about it since all I ever really heard that HCG was solely for PCT purposes.
So I have two opposing sides.
Those that say that HCG is good to use with a cycle. 500IU’s a week, just to keep the testies and everything functioning like it should. I also read where it was said that HCG should not be used for PCT.
Then you get those people that swear HCG is just for PCT and it should be kept that way. As far as dosages it wasn’t specific because it pretty much stated that it depends on the person, but a staple dosage was 500IU’s split up into 2 doses per week.

So my question is who is right , or what would you guys go with , as far as the information put out there?
I was thinking about incorporating HCG in the cycle I’m running now, but not sure .
Oh , I also saw where a lot of people used Clomid for PCT , but I also read and saw a video where it said Clomid does not agree with many people and may even be dangerous to take.