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    Thread: How to use Caber

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      • How to use Caber
      The How To Use Caber Thread

      I have had a few PM’s and came across too many threads inquiring about Cabergoline. Its uses, doses, sides and the like. So in this post I am going to give a bit of the information that I have come across and learned in my time.*

      What is Cabergoline?*
      >CABERGOLINE*(Dostinex) – Caber is a very potent Dopamine Agonist. It acts on dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus to suppress prolactin production in the pituitary gland. It is used for Hyperprolactinemia. (elevated levels of prolactin in blood) It is also used in treatment of Parkinsons Disease. Now Ill get deeper into what the hell all that means a little further on.*

      >Half Life*= 63-69 Hours. So I recommend to take Caber every third day. That’s at the far end of the range of its half life. Though this is what the dosing is for patients and studies that have been done and it works just fine. If you’re a stickler for dosing everything correctly I would obviously dose it every 2 and ½ days.*

      >Taking your dose of Caber before bed. (with or without food) will minimize your experience of sides.*

      -*Documented Sides– (bad sides) Fatigue, nausea, dizziness, vertigo, headache, slightly abnormal vision, hot flashes. Now before you get all scared and think oh I cant take this. These sides were mostly reported when taking higher doses (1g+ a week) then we will be taking for our cycles. Also Caber has been found in some instances to increase the affects of Depression Medication. Word to the wise for those members using said meds.*
      -Other Sides- (good sides) I have not come across any scientific studies documenting them but many users have reported are…Increased Sex Drive, Stronger Erections, More Powerful Orgasms, Taking Less Time to Achieve A Full Erection after Ejactulation. And I will attest to the fact that those sides do happen. I have experienced all the “good sides” first hand. Also I have not experienced any of the “bad sides” ever.*
      There are even ppl who have been taking Caber only for the specific reason of the sexual sides. Now I of course do not condone this and would only recommend using Caber in conjuction with an AAS cycle.*

      -Another big thing I have heard members cry about as a reason not to take Caber, is that it has been found to cause Heart Valve Damage. This is true but as I stated earlier, only at a lot higher doses (3mg/per day!!) then we will be using. So stop whining.*

      -If for some reason you are prone to sides for any and everything, reducing your dose, while continuing the Caber will improve the severity of the sides. So basically if you experience a slight amount of sides at any given dose. Lower your dose until the sides fade but don’t stop using the caber! I would prefer some of the lesser sides of Caber to those of Tren and Deca any day.*

      How much Caber to use and when?
      I prefer to use Caber while running any 19-Nor. (tren, deca) They affect the thyroid by lowering it (hypothyroidism) which causes the body to release more prolactin in the blood stream. (note- an overactive thyroid can cause elevated prolactin levels also) Prolactin at high levels has the affect of lowering sex drive and causing erectile dysfunction. We call it deca and fina dick. And from first hand experience, deca dick is not fun!! Tren is also a Progestin, it bonds to the receptor of the female sex hormone Progesterone. Which is responsible for preparing the body for milk production. I.E. By raising prolactin. So in order to avoid all that. Its best to run Caber from the very beginning of the cycle. I even prefer to run it into PCT for an extra boost.

      STARTING DOSE*– Beginning dose of Caber for use on cycle would be .25mg taken twice a week. For a total of .50 mg a week. Notice the point in front of the 25. Its not 25mg!! Its .25mg
      This dose is usually enough for an 8 week Tren cycle. If your prone to sides, running deca/tren E, or just running the Tren A longer. Then take the .50 mg/per week for 4 weeks and then bump it up another .25mg a week. For a total of .75mg per week. If sides from the gear are very bad, you can even bump it up to a total of 1mg a week. You can continue to up your dose (only if your experiencing sides from Tren/Deca) of the Caber every 4 weeks until you have reached a maximum dose of 1mg twice a week or 2mg per week. But there is no reason to go no where near that high. If your still experiencing sides at 1mg/per week then your Caber is bunk or there is more serious underlying causes at work.
      I was taking .5mg/p/w of Caber during a cycle with high doses of Tren. I actually didn’t have any fina dick problems but I did start Lactating! Yes my nipples were leaking. (its called Galactorrhea = lactation in the absence of nursing) lol So then I bumped up my dose to .50mg at 2 times a week (1mg/week) and the milk juice went away within a week. Other then that, I have had no problems and nothing but good experiences while taking Caber.*

      Now to give you an idea of the doses that are being taken by Parkinsons Disease and other Patients,
      • Parkinson's disease: Monotherapy: Initial dose should be 0.5 mg daily. The usual maintenance dose is 2 to 4 mg daily. Combination therapy: Usually 2 to 6 mg daily.*
      • Tumors of the pituitary gland and other hyperprolactinemic conditions: Initially 0.5 mg per week, slowly titrated to 4.5 mg per week, if necessary.*
      • Note – Caber is not approved in the U.S. for the treatment of Parkinsons.*
      You can see why they would experience the sides that I stated above. Since we are no where near those doses, we should not experience any sides other then the “good ones.”

      Caber for PCT*– Basically the same dosing as during cycle. I would go with a good dose of .50per/week to 1mg per/week. You are not taking the Caber during PCT for its affects on Prolactin because the use of it during cycle will negate any of the prolactin affects. I use caber during PCT to help with the lowered sex drive and slight decrease in the strength of your erections. It will give a little bump to your sex drive and give you slightly more powerful erections. During PCT while many experience depression and such, knowing that you can still get it nice and hard when you want is always a plus in my book. Since Caber is also known for helping prevent gyno. Theres another reason to use it during PCT. I run Caber during every PCT and have found that it does help a great deal.*

      A lot of ppl put off adding Caber to their cycles because of the price and availability of it. But if you have access to and can afford it. I highly recommend Caber as an addition to your cycle and PCT.*


      Knew I forgot something. If you do find liquid Caber... most liquid caber is known for losing its strength over a period of time. A month or so and the strength will slowly decrease. (dont know why, but i know from first hand experience) So if thats all you can obtain then you can use slightly higher dosing levels towards the end of the cycle/PCT. To make up for the loss of the compounds strength. But dont go crazy.

      *Caber is associated with the above noted side affects. Though those sides are less common and less severe then sides experienced while using Bromocriptine. For the record.
      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      caber is absolutely not even close to stable in liquid. due yourself a favor and dont get liquid
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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Yes dont use the liquid when it comes to Caber
      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Good read Fuzo, thanks for the post!
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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      Yes dont use the liquid when it comes to Caber
      i have also pointed out to people that the heart valve issue may not be an issue at low doses for most but since everyone is different you never know. so using it for only as long as it's needed and not just tossing it in as a just in case is more safe than sorry. i personally wouldnt want to be the first person with heart valve issues from low dosing haha. always good to know the potential of the risk i think
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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Thanks for the info FUZO. Your timing is good because I just found 15 1/2 tabs (out of a 20 tab Cabaser bottle). I was trying to remember why the hell I ordered this and for whom and then it came to me. About 3 1/2 years ago I ordered this for a girl friend that wanted to try it as an appetite suppressant. She only got through 4 1/2 pills and experienced side effects so she gave the rest of them back.

      From what I just read above (and other articles also), I only saw a vague reference to taking Caber as a diet aide/appetite suppressant. Is it also used in this way too or just just to increase sex drive/performance and as an anti-estrogen?

      Also, the expiration date on bottle is 07/15. It's been stored at room temp in my desk drawer the entire time. Do you think it's still usable/lost any potency?

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      yeah man, it still should be fully potent
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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      OK I thought it's probably still good. So based on article above, 1/2 mg (1/2 pill) twice a week till gone? Also, What is it mainly used for: increase sex drive? Appetite suppression? Other benefits??? Still not clear on main reason(s) it's used in our world (Body Building)?

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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      OK I thought it's probably still good. So based on article above, 1/2 mg (1/2 pill) twice a week till gone? Also, What is it mainly used for: increase sex drive? Appetite suppression? Other benefits??? Still not clear on main reason(s) it's used in our world (Body Building)?
      Cabergoline is used to treat high levels of Prolactin. Steroids like Tren or Deca can rasie Progesterone and Prolactin, Prolactin if raised can (cause or) worsen or the symptoms of gyno from estrogen or progestin.
      Last edited by Uncle Ric; 11-27-2018 at 09:47 PM.

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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ric View Post
      Cabergoline is used to treat high levels of Prolactin. Steroids like Tren or Deca can rasie Progesterone and Prolactin, Prolactin if raised can (cause or) worsen or the symptoms of gyno from estrogen or progestin.
      bam right there. also just like estro if you crush your prolactin too low it can also cause issues and side effects just like estro does
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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      I use L Dopa and it helps with movement for me. I get it on amazon

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      I also got prescribed benztropine it keeps dopamine in the body longer. The pills are .5mg and I take 2 at bed timeI think it is a dopamine agonist. I get some weird dreams from it for sure. When I see my neurologist I am going to ask for the actual dopamine tabs.

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      Default Re: How to use Caber

      i can actually feel the effects of caber on my dopamine after 4 hrs and it cruises for like a good 16 hrs before leveling out in my brain.

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      It makes me feel very relaxed for sure

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      • How to use Caber
      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      i can actually feel the effects of caber on my dopamine after 4 hrs and it cruises for like a good 16 hrs before leveling out in my brain.
      Man I’ve tried all kinds of cabers over the years and never really noticed much when on only when I’m supposed to be using it but don’t! Then i notice lol!

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