Quote Originally Posted by Bootstomper View Post
Any liquids (PCT items or sarms) I just shoot it in the back of my throat, and then chase with water or a PWO, or whatever I have available (I've tried grapefruit juice with the SARMs).
Unless you were swishing it around in your mouth last time :P, I'd follow what the 2 before me have said and not use that sh*t. Then again... maybe it was the liquid clomid that did it? I mean, if you can't get what you need otherwise, you "could" chance it and hope that it was clomid and not the nolva, but....

I prefer tabs over liquids as well... pharm grade if possible...
pretty sure i was shooting it then chasing it, i may have even dumped it in the chaser and just drank it real fast, either way the sh*t had my mouth and throat hammered with Ulcers and I will not go through that again! glad i finally got my hands on some pharm grade tabs tonite... down the hatch they go in the morning!! here's a cheers that everything goes well!