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  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
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  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

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  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
  • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
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    Thread: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

    1. #1
      MxxC82's Avatar
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      Default PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

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      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      During my last PCT I was using liquid Nolva and CLomid and developed some mouth ulcers and actually had one on my tonsil and it was pretty crazy... so, i am about to start another PCT and still have the liquid nolva i used last time but have Clomid tablets this go around. Getting to the point, how do you guys take your liquid PCT's, do you ingest them by themselves or mix with some sort of juice or other drink and take it that way? I'm pretty sure i was not mixing mine with anything last time and that may be what caused the ulcers, but I cant say for sure! Really hope it doesnt happen this go around!!
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    2. #2
      Vicious 13's Avatar
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      If u think it caused ulcers throw it away... I take w juice if I absolutely have to but y not just order tabs or capsules and make it easy... Liquids in my opinion don't work well... Hard to dose and don't really suspend

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    3. #3
      sensitivenips's Avatar
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      take a swig of water, drop the liquid in, swallow, done. taste doesnt bother me anymore, you get use to it with time. i agree with vicious, throw that ulcer creating shit away and get yourself some new stuff from a different reputable source.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Quote Originally Posted by sensitivenips View Post
      take a swig of water, drop the liquid in, swallow, done. taste doesnt bother me anymore, you get use to it with time. i agree with vicious, throw that ulcer creating shit away and get yourself some new stuff from a different reputable source.
      I really hate that today is the day to start the PCT and I only have half of what i really need. I really do not want to try taking the liquid due to my last experience with it but its all i have and not quite sure where to get and tablets instead of liquid... if anyone could pm me a solid link or anything would be much appreciated! I definitely want to take both of you guys advice and throw it in the trash just because I have a gut feeling it is going to do the same thing again and I dont want to risk any more health issues than I have too! If all else fails I can just start taking the Clomid instead although i know standard protocol is nolva/clomid combo! this same shit happened to me last time... i cant get in touch with my supplier whenever i need him and the experiences have left a bad taste in my mouth.. but hopefully not twice! HA! thanks for the replies guys!!!
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      also, i know i should be kicked square in the rear for not having the tablets on hand, i do my what i need for PCT just in liquid form and well.... is why i created this post to begin with! nerves are about shot from the shity 2 weeks ive had and hopefully the sun will shine on me soon!
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    6. #6
      Bootstomper's Avatar
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Any liquids (PCT items or sarms) I just shoot it in the back of my throat, and then chase with water or a PWO, or whatever I have available (I've tried grapefruit juice with the SARMs).
      Unless you were swishing it around in your mouth last time :P, I'd follow what the 2 before me have said and not use that sh*t. Then again... maybe it was the liquid clomid that did it? I mean, if you can't get what you need otherwise, you "could" chance it and hope that it was clomid and not the nolva, but....

      I prefer tabs over liquids as well... pharm grade if possible...

    7. #7
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      And I run just Clomid and always recover fine don't care form the way I feel on nolva

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    8. #8
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Honestly the only thing i cant take without a drink it torem. I can handle clen, keto, clomid and all that. I honestly just take a sip of water and squirt the chem into my mouth with the water in it and swallow.
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      DaddyDawg's Avatar
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      PM sent bro
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    10. #10
      MxxC82's Avatar
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      I appreciate all of your guys input and thanks for the pm's! i finally got in touch with my guy and got 25 20mg nolva tabs tonite about an hour ago... it should get me through as my regimen is going to be as follows:

      WK 1:


      funny thing he was and i were discussing was he mentioned that i should have started the nolva 2 weeks before the end date due to the time it takes for the Nolva to start working and suggested i run some HCG at this point to to try and jump start the twig and berrys, but from what i have been reading here and told by other members is that it will only further suppress me this late in the game. HCG is crazy, some suggest running it with PCT but lots of others suggest it mid cycle?.. At this point I only hope to level out and let my body naturally do what it needs to do and hope for a good recovery, i know it sounds sorta rediculous but its all i can do at this point. I think i will be ok, but I WILL be getting blood test back Monday and will post up my results here so i can get some feed back and I will have more blood work done 2 weeks after ending PCT and 2 weeks after that just to be safe and see what levels are and if there is anything I need to do at that point! I will keep my FG family posted on results and what is going on though because there are a lot of you here that know exactly what is what and offer very good advice and information for those of us a little greener to live by!
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    11. #11
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Quote Originally Posted by Bootstomper View Post
      Any liquids (PCT items or sarms) I just shoot it in the back of my throat, and then chase with water or a PWO, or whatever I have available (I've tried grapefruit juice with the SARMs).
      Unless you were swishing it around in your mouth last time :P, I'd follow what the 2 before me have said and not use that sh*t. Then again... maybe it was the liquid clomid that did it? I mean, if you can't get what you need otherwise, you "could" chance it and hope that it was clomid and not the nolva, but....

      I prefer tabs over liquids as well... pharm grade if possible...
      pretty sure i was shooting it then chasing it, i may have even dumped it in the chaser and just drank it real fast, either way the sh*t had my mouth and throat hammered with Ulcers and I will not go through that again! glad i finally got my hands on some pharm grade tabs tonite... down the hatch they go in the morning!! here's a cheers that everything goes well!
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    12. #12
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      pretty sure i was shooting it then chasing it, i may have even dumped it in the chaser and just drank it real fast, either way the sh*t had my mouth and throat hammered with Ulcers and I will not go through that again! glad i finally got my hands on some pharm grade tabs tonite... down the hatch they go in the morning!! here's a cheers that everything goes well!
      Tabs are the only route I go. Can't stand liquid. I obviously am biased but nothing beats blistered pharma PCT tabs to know youre gettin your balls back
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    13. #13
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      pretty sure i was shooting it then chasing it, i may have even dumped it in the chaser and just drank it real fast, either way the sh*t had my mouth and throat hammered with Ulcers and I will not go through that again! glad i finally got my hands on some pharm grade tabs tonite... down the hatch they go in the morning!! here's a cheers that everything goes well!
      Ugghh... Yeah, toss that shyat in the garbajay for sure broseph!

    14. #14
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      Default Re: PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

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      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?

      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      • PCT liquids.. straight up or mix with juice?
      Quote Originally Posted by Bootstomper View Post
      Ugghh... Yeah, toss that shyat in the garbajay for sure broseph!

      i smiled the entire time i was pouring it down the sink!
      "To gain strength on the outside it takes a greater strength within!"

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