Long story short I had to cut my cycle of testP off after the 5 week mark due to lingering lower back/hip issues that have not completely subsided. I started the cyc with 100mg EOD of the prop and ran it for 5 weeks before stopping and just took my last dose sunday 4/27. What i have on hand for my PCT is liquid Nolva 20mg/ml (apprx 45ml's on hand) and Clomid orals @ 50mg/tab (100 tablets on hand). I am not sure what thread I read common dosing in but haven't found it again so I am seeking some dose advice. I recently discussed some minor issues with a very reputable member here, but due to different time zones I am awaiting a last response. All of you guys and gals on here are great and are the reason this board is my one stop shop for anything I may possibly need during and after cyc's and the great general debates that go on here with all of the great info received from the masses here! So if anyone is still up watching the tonite show or whatever and may be on board feel free to chime in. I have had a rough few weeks and honestly will be glad to be done with the PCT and get to the doctor about my back b/c whatever is going on is slightly painful and I am ready for some freakin relief!!