I'm cruising @250cyp
I don't have gyno or even a lump but I've noticed my nipples are pretty soft and just not normal. I've had anastrozole on hand and had been doing .5 mg EOD. It wasn't doing anything for me so i started 1mg ED, still nothing. I started to wonder if cruising for 12 weeks had changed something i didnt know about. I took some nolva just to see how I'd react, it helped but was temporary. I was going through my black book of notes and realized I've always used aromasin on my previous cycles. I even found a fresh new bottle and one half used in my box. I can't even remember why I have anastrozole, maybe I bought it for a pct on an old cycle?

So at this point I'm going to start using aromasin 25mg ED until I see symptoms back off and back down to 12mg EOD as needed. I'd love to be able to get labs and do stuff by the numbers but I'm three hours away from the nearest lab quest. I just wanted to run this by you guys and see if I'm headin in the right direction.