Quote Originally Posted by baby1 View Post
Sounds interesting! May have to try this sometime. Do you drink anything post-workout, or just strictly only eat 3 meals?
Depending on time of day I train I will have a PWO shake. Here is what Andy recommends and what I have done with success.

Training at 7am as I do at times, I have 10g BCAA's before leaving for the gym and sip on 10g in water while training. I come home and at 11am will slam 75g of whey and 100g of dextrose and have a meal an hour later. I count the protein and carbs from the shake in my macros but not as a meal. My meals this day will be smaller as such.

Training at 2pm, I eat a meal at 11am and during training I will sip on 10g BCAA's. Immediately Post workout I have my shake as above. Again, I count it in the macros but not as a meal. Then before 7pm I will have 2 more meals. I'm eating about 3500-3600 calories a day on training days and condensing that into 3 meals gives me quite a bit of food rather then 6-7 small meals.