Human Origins?
How old is humanity? This article says neanderthals have fossils that date 350,000 years old and modern man is 45,000 years old.

I have read that the pyramids are at least 10,000 years old.

Hell modern man has had enough time to form technological civilizations and then fall if that article is true, maybe a couple of times. Atlantis?
Have you heard about that underwater city off the coast of Cuba, that archeologist are investigating (I'll try to find the link)?

Edgar Cayce (if you don't know who this guy is - he's very interesting) said we would discover Atlantis and a hall of records (human origins) there and in the Sphinx paw.

You guys have to have some wild ideas about this shit.

Oh yeah you know that one of the theoris on how they built the pyramids is they used some kind of ant-gravity machine right.
Check this link out
(Watch the mpegs of the test flights)
They give this information out for free because if you tried to patent it you would get a national security warning, It has that somewhere in there.