Monday morning, alarm goes off I'm so comfortable I could sleep all day. The dread starts welling up in my gut, the thought of being at that place for 8 hours. "I wish I could stay home today" I mumbled to myself. Then it started I heard my son calling my name. I went into his room sat on the bed he gave me a hug and said his belly hurt then he proceeded to vomit down my back. HMMMM........ I don't remember him eating boiled eggs and cheese. My wife the nurse comes in and then runs out as I call for a towel. (she can't smell puke or she pukes. But she sees women give birth daily, go figure. ) Well I'm home taking care of a sick little boy with a fever and a stomach bug. A five year old can complain and whine more than 3 old men on a park bench. Woek looks pretty good to me now people. Hope your day is better than mine.