The new <ahref="">Twilight move ismaking people sick -- literally. News outlets inthe U.S. have received multiple <ahref=",0,1711362.story"target="_blank">reports of people suffering seizures while watching the birth scene ofThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1. There have been several cases of perfectly healthy people starting to mumble different noises, blacking out and shaking uncontrollably during the scene. One man inCalifornia was even rushed to the hospital. What&rsquo;s involved during the birth picture is a C-section. During the scene, Edward uses his fangs to eventually deliver the <ahref="">vampirebaby. That might make most people sick, but what's the real culprit of the seizures?The answer is the strobing red, black and white lights, which are known to causeseizures in people. The problem is that some people don&rsquo;t know whether they are orare not vulnerable to it. Not that you neededanother reason to skip the new Twilight movie, but now you&rsquo;ve got it.More on AskMen:The UltimateBreakup Song Playlist The 5Sexiest Gift Ideas For Her Continue Reading
