Ok, need to get personal for a minute. I am very bummed this morning.Its gotten bad. It has gotten worse. I know I have to fight on. I have to be able to block it out of my mind. I always thought hernias only happened to out of shape people, never me. I am used to training with chronic injuries that flair up from time to time, but this one is a little different. Its kind of scary. Some girl told me she had one and it bulged out the size of a tennis ball..OMG...I looked at pictures online of exteme cases of it and it is horrid. Hopefully thats not too common.
I dont know how it happened. At first it wasnt all that bad. Its umbilical and Now when I sneeze, cough laugh or exert a certain way, I feel it pushing out. Yea, it hurts for a second. If I push in with my hand when I am coughing or sneezing, I keep it from pushing out and it doesnt hurt. If I cough and dont do that, it hurts like hell for a second as my intestines and omentum push out against the weakness/tear. Crap. I can still train. You cannot see it. My abs look normal. It doesnt hurt all the time. But if I dont consciously keep my core tight, It will push out...so I now have to tighten my core before I do any movements., Maybe thats a good thing....I am thinking I need to really keep working my abs and get my bodyfat to as low as possible. I dont even want to think surgery, but I guess that may be the only way, ultimately. I guess they put a screen over it to keep your intestines from pushing out. But first, I want to lose the body fat and see if that decreases the symptoms. I guess I should be grateful that I can still do stuff. Its stuff like this that kind of shatters our myth of invincibility. Makes us aware that we are mortal. It really really sucks. I did take a bit of a break from training and I wish I hadnt. I have no idea why or how this injury occured.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent a bit. Maybe someone else has had a similar experience. I am trying not to let this get me down.