I hate to say it but I feel the movie was terrible. It didn't show Ayn Ran's objectivist philosophy at all. The acting was okay at best, and not convincing at all. I would not have chosen the lead actors for the characters they played. The movie theater was almost full, and the audience did clap at the end, but I don't see how anyone who has read the book could say this was a good movie at all.

Keep in mind that I am a HUGE Ayn Rand fan, and Atlas Shrugged is by far my favorite book. That should tell you how much I wanted this to be a good movie, but it fell way short. I am actually going to recommend to my friends to not see it and instead read the book. The book is a must read, but Trip is right about it being a tough one to bring to the screen. The right producer with the right budget and actors could have pulled it off I imagine, but it would have to be shot in either a 10 hour miniseries, or 3 or 4 three hour movies. I would say they made it to about page 800 in 1 hour and 42 minutes. Needless to say they missed a lot of important parts. And there is not one articulate conversation in the entire movie. In the book, a character doesn't speak without being extremely articulate.