here's the deal, just more research

starting in 1999, states and counties lowered retirement age ( remember this was during tech and demographic boom, money was never going too stop)

during the decade two things happened

a. they increased workforce by 30%

b. they increased wages by 40%

so, the problem is two fold

1. lot's of pension funds got hammered during crash, not all have recovered at an equal rate, obviously some will be better than others, etc.

2. if the economic backdrop doesn't get better a hell of a lot quicker, the rate of change for all these dynamics are not good.........(makes one wonder of obama's rosy off the chart projections for growth, hmmm, it would make the states so much better off)

3. the rate of return to supply the contractural commitments is not realistic

so, let's take walker, he's been government accountant basically for 20 years, he's lived the insanity of bad decisions, ie, lower retirement age, escalating wages, and adding workers, each one probably pissed him off more and more

so, now here he is, in his mind, incremental just won't cut it, why, best guess is he's worried even if things got a little better they'd repeat mistakes, and not deal with it

why I'm fascinated by this event

a. i saw walker on tv and his body language hit with a 2x4, this mofo was heart attack serious and all these talking heads both sides are spinning and opinionating shtye too hell, when imho, this river is very deep

b. did the research, the facts the numbers

c. here's where things can get out of whack, 3.6 billion i pee'd on that number, not cause i don't know it's not big, yet in context to trillions they are pumping it's thimble big, even in relation too ecnomy of wisconsin, which is well run and funded it's not a big issue

d. the strategy of it all, in 2005 gays got there first civil union win in a state, and now the fed government is like don't bother us, which got bigger problems, imho, that issue is a tit for tat obama had in his back pocket for ages and it's rock back at republicans for planned parenthood

anyways talking heads spin opionate, and imho, this will turn out too be a ten year issue we will deal with, why, it's so messed up financially there are no good options, and if there's on thing folks are hugely emotional about it's money

so, to me, this is month one in a 120 round fight