Is it me, or are home invasions happening more than ever?
I'm seeing, at least, 1 a wk lately. Where some punk ass wannabe thug, or much worse.(people that do things to the females of the family, then kill everybody.) *or try. Sometimes someone lives. But just yesterday there was a home invasion where a mother and 2 daughters were killed in Tallahassee. Then even closer to home, there was a punk ass little thug bytch that came in 2 mid-aged (mid30s-40s'ish) male roomates. The punk shot and killed both of these men. Of course, by looking at the pictures of the men that were killed compared to the young jit thug fuker. They woulda made quick work of his punk ass had he not been smart enough to arm himself. See, the badguy will be armed.
I love rc10's signature. People might think I'm nuts because my piece is like my wallet. It's just part of getting dressed after a shower. And it's ready to rock 24/7. In the times we live in, and especially if you have an attractive wife, daughter, you are more likely a target to these sickos. According to the news. It's almost always female alurement to these sick fuks.
Don't let this happen to you. "It'll never happen," right? yeah. Unfortunately, I'm one of those people that have had a lifechanging experience that you don't ever imagine would happen to your family. I've had that terrible call in the middle of the night. Life dishes out some nasty curves. Prepared is the best way you can be. I was reading an article that told about cops that only fire their weapons once a yr for qualification. No practice. Who the hell has time for 911 anyway? A cop told me that he loves the dispath like he received a while back to an attempted home-invasion. He said there's nothing better than to arrive on the scene, and the bg is half in the bedroom window drt'ed(dead right there) by the old lady knowing how to use her passed husband's old shotgun.
Which leads me to another point. A shotgun is the best line of home-defense.