on msnbc...man. So many folks have it completely twisted...

I started writing this hours ago. There was a thing on the news about some country. The report seemed to be about democracy. It was showing some of the countries that get together in their congressional meetings, or whatever, and just go at it. Throwing chairs, beating the shit out of one another, and so on. Then those countries governed by these individuals with the power, the government. They were perfect examples of democracy. The stupid ass lady said, after watching some footage of a chaotic democracy in motion, "That is barely a democracy." Because of the chaos among the government, the disorder in the general public, and all the government implemented to force order and cooperation of the general population.
"That's barely a democracy." sheeit...Those clips seemed to be perfect examples of countries in full democracy. People do not get it. Especially those b@ssakwards "liberal" muhfuggers at MSNBC.

I wish I'd have got the name of the segment so I could post a youtube clip, if they even have that silly shit. Heck MSNBC might have it. I'd be right on it, but I just woke from my Thanksgiving nap. So...I'm lazy.damn fly.