I'm not real big on the conspiracy theories, but the new world order just can't be looked at as a conspiracy theory anymore. The words "new world order" have been spoken by a few presidents of the past now. It's talked about by economist, political strategist, and folks on a regular basis lately. I guess I caught Friday's Glenn Beck re-run earlier. I just watched a timeline of the week or 2 after the U.S. dollar breaks. or when our economy finally gives, because, wheather you think it can hold up after the pounding it has taken over the last 3 yrs or not. I'm afraid the ladder will be the state of our whole system. The "not" hold up. And when the complete break-down happens. When our economy collapses. Educated and well informed people are talking about global civil unrest. panic. There are many folks that want that, of course. They capitalize off tragedies. Scum of the earth. You have them on large scale, white-collar, I guess you could say. Then, there are those that would be out in your neighborhood, in groups, all over the place, wreaking havock and taking what they can.
I've had this concern in the back of my mind for a while. Now, after seeing a detailed outline, and hearing a break-down of the days during the great conversion. I'm concerned for people that might not be aware of this possibility. I'm concerned for my family. The thought of civil unrest should raise concern. We're not talking the riots in L.A. Civil unrest could be compared to a civil war, but "civil" in the term (civil unrest) is the definition of civil. Not uniformed troops fighting over political differences such as with civil war. This would be citizens of all walks in panic. We watched what went on in New Orleans after Katrina. That still was not civil unrest. And being through several hurricanes myself. I know what it's like to go to get some last minute necessities, and see the shelves of the grocery store empty of items that you need. But, still nothing compared to a national collapse. Or international collapse. With this being a possibility in the not so far away future. Because I don't know how much longer our system can maintain, or regroup after the damage that's been done. I'm just concerned for people. Unlike a hurricane, we won't get a warning. We will probably get notification via news, but it won't be letting you know that you need to get to the grocery store immediately before all the necessities are gone. And if you wait til you hear of shortages of inventory, then you're too late.
I know this sounds crazy. because it is. But...look at the state of the country. And who does the rest of the world count on? Who's the most hated? We don't have too much going for us these-days. Just make sure number 1 is taken care of. Family 1st!
Hopefully it's all just crazy talk. But what if it's not? Are you prepared?