I know we hear all the time stupid shyt at the gym but i had to vent on my day at the gym yesterday. Walked in on a sunday afternoon at 4PM. Saw the chick who is usually in during the early morning when i go, serious trainer, good physique, finishing up legs. she nodded hi and shook her head raising her eyebrows as she was finishing up indicating stupidity was en **** at the gym. i had just set up the leg extension machine for me and sat down and did my first set when i saw the bus driver. this guy about three years older than me i went to grade school with. dude looks sixty. tiny little legs, tiny little arms, huge a$$ gut and wears a sweat jacket and sweat pants always in the gym. drives a bus for work. dude does cardio and walks in and changes every tv in the room to a channel he wants and proceeds to watch the tvs in silence with no headphones to plug into the receivers on the equipment. he walks sloooooowly on the treadmill for about 20 minutes then does his weight training on the machines on a schedule the personal trainer set up for him. gave me a dirty look cuz he had done his one set of leg presses on the machine with 40 pounds for 10 reps and his one set of leg curls with 20 pounds for 10 reps and wanted the leg extension. he shook his head and went to do shoulder machine while i did my drop set with 200 to failure and dropped weight three times to failure before finishing. Meanwhile the stud came in and proceeded to jump on the leg curl station already sweat covered from bus driver not wiping it down and stud's shirt and windbreaker jacket slid up so hairy nasty fat gut was glistening sweat all over the bench. i decided seated leg curls were the order of the day at that point. bus driver jumped in the leg extension machine and made a show of dropping the weight down to 40 pounds for his one set of leg extensions. stud muffin went from leg curl machine to the calf raise and eerily smiled at me while he did sloppy bouncy reps with 80 pounds on the calf raise. uggggh. jumped onto leg press and worked up to my usual 700 pounds for drop sets to failure and thank god dude was done with my calf machine so i could wipe down the foul emanations he left before warming up and doing my work set with 400 for strict reps before wiping it down and i see stud looking appaled like how dare i use that much weight but i was mesmerized by the dude on the lat pulldown. dude was laying straight back from the seated position actually below parallel doing some form of pull down in very sloppy form and leaning up a bit before throwing his body back down below parallel to pull out another rep. i think i heard his discs whimpering "help us" each rep. id had enough and decided i will stuck to either my 4AM morning workouts with the hardcore "we know why we're here" crowd or the 2:30 weekday quasi normal training crowd and leave the strangeness that seems to creep in on weekend afternoons to the strange inhabitants there.