Could this be possible. The dems held congress under bush. They pass all his bull shit bills that are bad for america so they do this and know that they can then run on how bad he was and get a democrat into office because like stray said the intelect of people are not smart when it comes to politics they just dont know.They screw bush and make sure the public wont want a republican in office so they have always had this scum bag in mind. The first half black man the most liberal man in congress with the least experience. I feel sometimes this is what they had planned and now it backfired on them. But then yeah if MCcain was a little better then mabey he could of pulled it off. The one thing now MCcain has done is he has changed his tune on things and seen the light. So is it flip flopping i'm sure some will say yes but I say you finalyu see whats right and you do it.When we take control of congress the only way the scum bag gets re-Elected is if he pulls a clinton and agreses with the republicans. Thats how clinton did it