If you could choose one thing to change about yourself, would you be richer, thinner, smarter, or younger? If you’re like most people, you’d take the money.
According to a new Adweek Media/Harris Poll, which surveyed 2,163 people, approximately 43% of all Americans said they would rather be richer. Twenty-one percent said they would opt to be thinner, 14% said smarter, and 12% said younger. On the other hand, 9% of people said they wouldn’t pick any of those options.
Men were more likely to choose money (46% vs. 41%), whereas women wanted to be skinnier (29% vs. 14%).
It’s always entertaining to fantasize about what you would want if you could change something about yourself, says the press release. However… the good news is that [most people] don’t need to rely on a fairy godmother. It’s interesting to note that the largest percentages of Americans’ desires represent changes that are more or less achievable, through smart choices, hard work and dedication