Well guys i had a pretty bad weekend. Let me give you guys a little back ground on me and where im at right now. I work on the road been in the same spot for the last 2 years so kinda like home but not really. My gf is 6 hours away and it makes it a little hard to see her all the time with her being busy and everything. Now to go a little deeper. In the past i have been cheated on by 2 different gf's. One of which i really gave a lot of trust to cause i was in texas and she was elsewhere. She cheated on me with multiple guys and really changed the way i can trust someone and that sort of thing. Everythign has been going really well with me and my current gf until this weekend. I didn't go home sat because she said she was going to be really busy this weekend and didn't want me to drive and not be able to see her. Well on sat she ended up being free most the day and i let me jealousy get the best of me. I told her that i felt like she had lied to me about how busy she actually was going to be and it escalated a little from there. She has never given me a reason to doubt her. Well the day went on and finally that night we talked a little more about it. She said she didn't know if she can keep doing this. This really blew me away. I knew a fight wasn't good but i didn't think it would come to this. She said it crushed her that i woudl think that she lied and that i woudl think she didn't want me to come visit. We talked a little more but nothing got fixed. She says she needs to figure out whats going on and she isn't trying to giv eup or throw anything away just doesn't know if she can keep doing this. I have been doing a lot of thinking and have told her that i am going to put the past behind me and how sorry i was for treating her like that because she isn't those people and doesn't deserve to be put in a category with them. Over the last two days she will usually respond to me but it's a very short response she will tell me she loves and that she does miss me but pretty much nothing else. I really don't know what to do here. I thought this girl was the one. I still do. I can't see myself with anyone else and she is absolutely amazing to me. I really just need to vent and maybe some advice from people would be good. IDK this just really has me messed up in a bad way