Quote Originally Posted by rc10j1 View Post
I'm not poor enough to be a democrat, and not rich enough to be a republican!
Nor am I rich but I sure hope that our country will always support our right to become rich if we do desire and put forth the effort. There's nothing wrong with being rich or poor if one so chooses to be in that class. However, when people demand that those who prosper greater should have their income distributed to those who have not earned it, I have to disagree vehemently. We may not all be equal but we do have equal opportunity. I have the right to invent, build, or work my way to wealth the same as any other man or woman in the U.S. But our culture is growing more into one that labels the rich as greedy and the poor as more worthy of others' money. Something for nothing is the new American way it appears. Hard work is not even taught in schools these days. They don't teach you to become entrepreneurs or inventors, but instead to learn a trade and fall in line.