A few times a week in the morning we get up and go bike riding. I pull my daughter in her carrier and baby1 and I ride to the lake and we ride a few times around the lake. Each time around is 2.5 miles so we did 5 miles. So while we were leaving a group of people were walking like usualy and the bikers slow down and say,on your right or on your left and the people move. Well we were riding very very slow when we got up to this old man and a few others our bikes couldnt pass. So I said on your left,well he must of not heard me 1 foot away I said again on your left,nothing I then said even louder EXCUSE ME. I mean I was right on his ass my front tire was inches from his foot thats how close I was. So when we passed he looked at me and saw the trailer also and I said my favorite line,"you dumb ass" and this old man real loud said FU CK YOU,Fitnessgeared members I dropped my bike I was so mad that he said that word right in front of my 6yrd old and wife and walked towards him and I said our you kidding me your gonna say that word in front of my daughter and wife,Well first off I wasnt going to do anything to a old man thats just stupid but I was so mad I wanted to scare him. I wasnt wearing my shirt and I walked towards him and then it must of clicked in his brain that omg here comes a big muscle tattooed guy coming towards me and he kept saying i'm so sorry i'm so sorry. Well my daughter starts crying daddy daddy dont my wife is on my ass saying stop i'm pissed because he said that word.So I left it slone got back on the bike and rode off and the old man walked the other way. Ok I said dumb ass I was wrong but a old man who saw me and my daughter then says fu ck you omg I got so mad. Ive been stressed and i'll make a new post and tell everyone why but the meaness that went through me that my daughter had to hear that word just wanted me to beat his as if he was younger. Now I know i'm not indestructile and I have a mouth also when I drive well atleast i'm young and can handle myself but my main point is no one can out run a gun.