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    Thread: Radar Detectors

    1. #1
      skinnyman's Avatar
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      Any of you folks use them?

      I've been using them ever since driving. Not necessarily cause i speed, which i do at times, but just knowing where they are.

      I recently traded in my Escort 8500 for the newest model the 9500ix. This thing is really incredible. Uses GPS and a preloaded database of known Speed cams or cameras. This database can be updated through Escort's website as well. The GPS is cool in that it can truly block out false alarms based on frequency and exact location. You can also "mark" a specific location where known traps are so that, the next time you approach that location, you get an alert. You can set it so that your speed, as it is GPS driven, is also tracked on the display so no need to look at both your speedometer and detector.

      Really pretty cool and I am enjoying this gadget

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      Sounds awesome. How much are those things? I haven't used a radar detector in years. When I am on a road trip on flat ground, I like to cruise along at 95-100 MPH.

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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      Hey Skinnyman.. I have an 8500 as well. How is the laser detection on the new 9500ix? Although my 8500 is decent.. I am almost ready to go with a Valentine. I drive a crap load for work and then when I drive my Porsche I like to have the added protection... I am also considering the new laser detection/reflection system that Escort has. Out here, Laser is used a TON and that is what nails me every time (I've got a few tickets).. But those new laser system run about $2500 fully installed.. and then there is the rub. Can't move it from car to car..
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      we use Valentine 1's down here

    5. #5
      horsepwr's Avatar
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      yeah, Escort has had 'em all beat since 2007 when they took all the titles from Valentine1 & K40. I bought an 8500 in '07 not knowing it was the shyt until my friend that publishes SuperBikes mag told me about it. The kid at Best Buy showed me the box which had the 5 or 6 titles they took from V1 & K40 and I was sold. It's been the best since. They had an 8500 for like $30 more that had the GPS then, but I disn't know it did all that. I thought it was just a voice nav or something.
      But to anyone in the market for the best radar detecter ever made, and at under $500. My 8500 was under $400. If you're looking to save money on tickets, get an Escort Passport. or a Phantom jammer. I had one of those for about 3yrs before I bought the Escort Passport 8500. Lent the jammer to a friend, and his damn truck got repo'ed with it in it. Butb, the Escort Passport is the shyt! They can pop you coming around a corner with instant on. It's a rarety. But, I haven't gotten a ticket with it. It reaches around corners, over hills, and way out there. Other radars don't set it off. The occassional Walgreens door will make it beep, but 99% of the time. If it goes off. It's a cop. And you can tell the difference quickly between a cop and the ocassional low K-band storefront door beep.
      Get one. You won't be dissapointed.
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      Escort technology has really come a long way and has outdone V1. For whatever reason V1 just hasn't changed. Even the same shell (look) for many years.

      I always do much research when buying anything and, beleive me, Escort is the bomb right now. This 9500ix costs $500 on Escort site. I also purchased a maintenance package for 3 yrs at $30 and a single cup mounting bracket for $30. I recommend the bracket as it is much better than the 2 small cups. What i REALLY like about this unit is that it eliminates false alarms and you can program (using GPS) locations for traps. My 8500 would go off at toll booths, some office buildings etc. After approx 3 drivebys of those same locations with the 9500ix, it's intuitive enough to know it is false and blocks it.

      If you do purchase, be careful on which vendor you choose. I was watching Amazon for the longest time and was about to purchase cause it dropped to $450 from one of their vendors. Before doing do, i went to Escorts site and the site listed unauthorized vendors. Thsi particiualr vendor was on it. As such, Escort will not warrant the product.

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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      Used a high tech one as well at one point.. a Radar Dector that detect theres lol Did not work to well. Mine beeeeee and he went squeeeech and turn around and pull me over... but by the time he pulled me over I had the entire thing jammed down my pants... section cups/cord etc

      Get out of the truck please... did he find it? no! plus they cant search you here in Canada unless there going to arrest you. He apologized and said it was probably the car ahead of me... thank god there was 4 cars are closely grouped together... if not I 'm would have been screwed.. he would have known for sure that I had on my person lol Was not worth the stress let me tell you lol Smart cop though as he searched well the truck even turned on my compass to see if that would set his thing off... all the while I was talking to him and being nice and cool. So smart cop but I was smarter that day

    8. #8
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      i need to get one soon, mine stops beeping, just showed the radar, and that was no good.

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      Quote Originally Posted by MrOntario View Post
      Used a high tech one as well at one point.. a Radar Dector that detect theres lol Did not work to well. Mine beeeeee and he went squeeeech and turn around and pull me over... but by the time he pulled me over I had the entire thing jammed down my pants... section cups/cord etc

      Get out of the truck please... did he find it? no! plus they cant search you here in Canada unless there going to arrest you. He apologized and said it was probably the car ahead of me... thank god there was 4 cars are closely grouped together... if not I 'm would have been screwed.. he would have known for sure that I had on my person lol Was not worth the stress let me tell you lol Smart cop though as he searched well the truck even turned on my compass to see if that would set his thing off... all the while I was talking to him and being nice and cool. So smart cop but I was smarter that day
      Radar detectors are illegal in Canada?
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    10. #10
      skinnyman's Avatar
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      Default Re: Radar Detectors

      I believe here in the US they are banned in Va and Wash DC

    11. #11
      MrOntario's Avatar
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      For sure....

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      Radar detectors are illegal in Canada?

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