...He has been jumping the 6 foot fence daily now. Usually, when I find him, he is happy to see me. This morning, he took off for several hours. Usually when I find him, he acts real happy to see me and jumps up and down...today, two construction workers had him in their truck...He saw me and dug his feet in the dirt and resisted going with me. Acted like I beat him or something. Ive never hit this dog. It was a bit embarrassing...Had to force him into my car...My feelings now is that if that's how he is going to be, I want to get rid of him...He has terrible separation anxiety and destroys my house if he is left alone..He has tied me down so as It is hard to even go out on a date without having to deal with him. Am I being overly sensitive to the fact that he acted like that toward me this morning? He even got loose and ran and jumped back in the truck with these guys...Like he was terrified of me...I am not one to endorse chaining a a dog to a tree, but I just may have no choice.
Thanks for letting me vent on this subject.