i just realized the reason the dems cant get anything done in congress. its because they lack morals and values. some want abortion, some want total govt control, some will do it if their state gets a big ol' kickback, some will do it if others will so they'll look good for re-election. this is what happens to a group of people who lack a fundamental guiding principle for their decision making. the liberal, pro-abortion, pro gay marriage, pro legalization of drug groups have muddied the waters even further by threats to withhold monies that are the key to power. the republicans for the most part are a conservative group whose guiding principle is individual freedom and limited govt control. the dems are simply fighting amongst themselves about how best to cut up the private sector pie into govt-run power grabs...this is how i see it. oh, by the way, im not naieve enough to think all repubs are saints.