one by one

commercial re, well, i did not mention it cause dollar wise it's big yet not unmanage-able, what the problem in is those in the biz of developemet will have little to no bizz, all the cre from 05-07 is in big trouble, yet, most cre properties are financed every 7 years, they keep on rolling financing if they want too, lot's of properties from the 90's are utter cash whales due too refi's so cre people have a whale on oneside and a whole on the other, and few people who want too roll there loans on the latest crap, again, it's bad yet it's not like dealing with 10 million folks and banks who are understaffed, maybe 200k properties nationwide and the bulkd of the money in 10k properties, it hurts and is long lasting, yet, somewhat contained

c. deep, i don't see it as special just equal under the laws of the constitution, i understand your strong and deep beliefs on this

d. i'm not anti-war, i said "almost all"...........i'm basically on colin powells side on this

e. deep, fuzo, all have strong believes you know what is in this guys heart and what is his intentions, that's fine with me, i'm just of the believe i do not know what is in peoples heart of heart

js, on my libertarian beliefs, obviously they do not meet your standards, and there's another one that is fine by me.............right now problems are on the table and certain folks have the power to solve them, just want the best solution, not some buncha bs which is how they all have operated for decades