Well, Tiger Woods is getting eaten alive because of text messages he sent to some of these 12 chicks he cheated with. Im surprised he didnt send close up pics of his wanker. He probably did.

I mean, who hasnt sent dirty text messages? Im guilty of sending some wild ass text messages with pics to women I was romantically involved with. It wasnt one sided, btw. Ive also received some doozies! lmao... Who hasnt? Messages on myspace, facebook, yahoo IM, and texts...They are calling text messages the new lipstick on the collar. If my cell phone fell into the wrong hands, well, I could probably be blackmailed...LOL..

Is it pretty much impossible to completely delete anything youve done digital? So if one of us becomes a famous celebrity in Hollywood, some chick could put our IMs or texts on national TV...If it happens, oh well, thats the price you pay for fame and fortune...lol