friends, do not be fooled..

the current debate over healthcare is not about healthcare. it is about power. power over the citizenry. this administration's past avowed goals and ideations combined with their near-complete takeover of banking/finance, automakers, housing, and coming soon cap and trade should all be sounding alarms everywhere. the goal is to control the population.

with the passage of a healthcare bill, with a single payor, or a single payor trigger (which WILL be triggered), a series of events will unfold. eventually all small and large businesses will be unable to pay for healthcare(due to fees placed on insurance companies) and will throw everyone onto the govt dole. with the large majority of the public under obama's thumb, new "lifestyle regulations" will come into effect. Are you currently concerned about taking the new H1N1 vaccine? Under obamacare, you will not have an option. REQUIREMENTS for vaccinations will be mandatory. What about taking part in medical trials? Tough, if your name is drawn, it'll be like jury duty. We will be told what we can eat (see tax on sodas amd banning of transfats for foreshadowing), how much we weigh, how often and what type doctors we will see--all will be accompanied by motivators such as fines, or worse, for noncompliance. our very lives will no longer be our own. this healthcare plan will allow the govt to control the most private of decisions. obama talks about choice--why mandate everyone get healthcare or pay up to $3800 a year in fines?

Do you honestly believe that if the govt is paying for healthcare, they do not want to have any interest in controlling healthcare? Look at what they did to GM and the financial sector--there are more and more regulatory agencies in place.

Further, if you think that the feds are not going to get between you and your doctor, you are wrong. obama's single payor system will be the only game in town. doctors will only be paid for their work only if they play by obama's rules. This is how control over physicians will be exercised.
This system is currently in place with Medicare. Reimbursement rates are declining such that now hospitals are recouping approx 28cents on the dollar from Medicare. This, IMO, is part of the plan to drive private costs up, thus bolstering the argument that private or "big" insurance rates are inappropriate. The fact is that hospitals charge more to private payors--thus raising premiums-- BECAUSE the hospitals lose money on the medicare (read-government controlled) patients.

Electronic medical records are fine, as long as there are private companies in control. Under single payor, guess who was solitary control over ALL your information? The feds will examine your records, predict and direct what direction your health will take.

an estimated 45 million more people will be placed on govt rolls with this plan. they state that no new monies will be used to fund this--this shall be "debt neutral". explain to me how they plan to add 45 million to a system without more money. The "wringing waste and fraud from the system" argument does not pass the smell test. The answer will come from, initially, killing off private insurance companies and hold-out private businesses and individuals. The govt has stated that fees will be levied on "big" pharmacy, "big" insurance, "big" medical technology companies, in addition to businesses and individuals to pay for this colossal govt program. over time, these companies, with drying up premium-paying members will go out of business, further tilting the scales towards a single payor. After the obvious sources of money are gone, look for taxes to go through the roof. with single payor now in place and no competition, the government will be able to raise taxes with impunity, holding your very life at stake--pay up or we kick you out of the care for you at all.

Those of us that chose to work hard, hustle, wait to have children, and then have only the number of children we could support have done nothing wrong. We pay our taxes, pay for healthcare that works for us, and do the right thing. We do not need this. I for one do not think it is my responsibility to subsidize someone else's irresponsibilty. period. I am neither asking for, nor do I want the federal government doing anything more for me than protecting me from foreign enemies, as per the constitution.

If you or someone else want to set up a government-run healthcare system for the under or non-insured, FINE. Make it voluntary. All you liberals can pay for it yourselves. As for me and mine, we are doing just fine, thank you very much. Dont push your agenda on me and affect MY FAMILY.

friends, this argument is not about healthcare, it is about you and your families lives. it is about power and money. obama is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to America ever.