My dad used to fight all of the time when I was a kid, but he is 60 years old now. There is a gas station in my town where the older men gather and just shoot the bull. This man we know came up and started cussing my dad. My dad told him to leave him alone or he was going to hurt him, so the man left. A few minutes later the guy came back and started cussing him again, so daddy told him if he really wanted his a** kicked to go to the school across the street right now. The guy jumped in his truck and drove across the street and my dad followed him. Daddy said the guy got out of the truck with a caulk gun like he was going to whoop him with it. My dad slapped him and then pushed him over the hood of the truck and proceeded to beat him down. The guy had blood coming out of his ears, nose, eyes, was a beating! The guy was yelling, "he is killing me...someone call the cops.!" The cops came and took that guy to jail.

My dad is a big belly but his arms are like tree trunks and he has those rough, hard leather hands! He has worked in construction his entire life. I was joking with him telling him he has built up some "street cred." Anyway, I thought that was funny!